Dealing with stupid people

Bleeding Heart Chronicles Lord FreakZilla

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Dealing with stupid people, is my topic on this week’s “Bleeding Heart Chronicles”. Good morning, love. What a world we live in. I’ve watched the slow decline in society over many years. And the last few years, it’s picked up speed. Intelligence, respect, tolerance, truth, loyalty and just plain courtesy, has all been wiped clean. Welcome to the new age. [gap size=”8px”] Yes, as a society we are getting dumber. Not my words. According to the National Academy of Sciences. Several studies have been done by multiple companies, all coming to same conclusion. IQs are dropping all over the globe, SAT scores in the U.S. have been declining for decades, and scientists have even discovered that our brains have been getting smaller over time. This seems to be affecting a portion of the population at different rates. Which means, some of us are becoming less intelligent at a faster rate then some. So, what kind of affect would that have on us as a society. What symptoms would show this was happening. [gap size=”8px”] Well, as it turns out. There have been studies done in the past revolving around education. It shows that education Boosts Confidence & Hope. It promotes Independent Thinking. Inspires Problem Solving Skills. Builds Communication Skills. Reduces Poverty. Builds Empathy & Tolerance. Cultivates Respect. Leads to Peace. So, less education would lead to the opposite of all I just listed. [gap size=”8px”] Take a look at our society right now. There is No tolerance for different beliefs. That goes for Religion or Politics. No one wants to communicate or discuss differences. First reaction if you do not believe the way another does, is hatred. I’ve seen people actually say if you don’t believe this and this like I do, then get out of my life we can’t be friends. In fact today, if you disagree with someone. That person actually wants to fight and do harm to you. Or they may even resort to name calling. My first thought is, do we now have 7 year old adults running around having temper tantrums cause they can’t get their way. Are they upset the world does not revolve around their feelings. We are actually having to handle grown adults with baby gloves. And if you are accused of something, you are guilty until you can prove you are innocent. I hate to date myself as they say. But when I was a child, this kind of behavior was not seen. I sometimes want to look around and make sure I’m still on the same planet. [gap size=”8px”] Personally. If you are different in anyway, I’m interested in you. I want to know you. If you have a different belief then I do, I want to hear it. I want to sit down with you and you explain why you believe what you believe. I have true interest. Seeing someone hurt or in need no matter who they are, hurts my spirit. I want to help if I can. I just do not understand the world we now live in. But when you take into account our education system breaking down and less people getting a full education or even taking the time to expand their mind. You start to see the results and understand why. [gap size=”8px”] It’s amazing. As technology expands and gets sophisticated, our knowledge is actually decreasing. Google is at our fingertips and yet no one uses it to their advantage. I’ve watched people share stories that are actually made up. It’s a lie. And all they have to do is Google the story they are about to share and see that even Facebook has marked it as fake. And yet, they don’t. And neither does their friends who read it. And even stories about history have been distorted. And although this is something they should have learned in school. They still miss it. Or don’t care. What kind of generation doesn’t know simple history and has the ability to check it in just a few seconds and still won’t. Are they that lazy. Are they that stupid. [gap size=”8px”] Although I’ve given you examples, let’s list the signs. Here’s 5 simple things that indicate you are dealing with a stupid person. 1. Stupid people blame others for their own mistakes 2. Stupid people always have to be right 3. Stupid people react to conflicts with anger, aggression and name calling 4. Stupid people ignore the needs and feelings of other people 5. Stupid people think they are better and smarter than everyone else [gap size=”8px”] And while we are doing list. Let’s list a few ways that we should deal with difficult and stupid people. 1. Keep Your Cool. Maintain self-control. Avoid escalation of problem. 2. Shift from Being Reactive to Proactive. When we avoid personalizing other people’s behaviors, we can perceive their expressions more objectively. 3. Pick Your Battles. Not all difficult individuals we face require direct confrontation about their behavior. 4. Put the Spotlight on Them. Stupid people like to place attention on you to make you feel uncomfortable or inadequate. They will focus on you having something wrong without pointing out what it is. This is intended to dominate and control you. Focus back on them by asking questions. [gap size=”8px”] We live in an insane world. Stupid people are everywhere. There is a saying by Mark Twain I think sums it up best. “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” Unfortunately, sometimes it’s just best to not confront this type of person. Our sanity and drama free life just can not afford having this type of negative influence. Never let someone else’s stupidity dictate your choices or guide your life. You are the master of your life and happiness. I stand with you. I bleed with you. We will pursue a brighter day in our life. We will overcome this world full of stupid people. Because Together we are unstoppable, my love! WE are overcomers ! Always and forever!

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