The Rise Of Darkness

Bleeding Heart Chronicles Lord FreakZilla

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The rise of Darkness, is my topic on this week’s “Bleeding Heart Chronicles”. Good morning, love. Before you think bad things, let me just say darkness, does not equal evil. That is 2 different things. June 5 is an anniversary I celebrate. It is the day of my awakening. The day I embraced my darkness. My spiritual rebirth. It’s been said, Religion is for people trying to stay out of Hell. Spirituality is for people who have been to Hell and back. [gap size=”8px”] A few months ago I encountered a lady who thought because I write things that could be considered inspirational, that I have no understanding of how bad things can get. Maybe she thought I had an easy life full of sunshine, rainbows and unicorns. Yes, my fairy tale life has been sprinkled with being shot at, stabbed, set on fire and left for dead. The glamorous life continued with lying, cheating, mind games, betrayal, depression and attempts of suicide. You can never tell what a person has lived through just by looking at them. And yet, people make judgement calls everyday. Those who judge, have experienced very little in life. Those who have vast experience in life, never judge. [gap size=”8px”] Several years ago on May 18 is when things had hit rock bottom for me. I had lost everything that meant anything to me. In desperation I reached out to a religious organization, a church. But I was judged unworthy of their righteous help and was turned away. In my greatest hour of need I had no one. Being hopeless, I decided I didn’t want to be here anymore. Over the next few weeks, my health began to deteriorate very rapidly. I would tremble and have near fainting spells. Even at rest, my pulse stayed above 110. My doctor became concerned and wanted to run test. It would all come to a dark end on June 5. [gap size=”8px”] I went for my nightly jog. 20 min into the jog something weird happened. My entire right side went numb for just a sec. I stumbled but I didn’t fall. I continued. My heart felt like it wanted to explode. Minutes later it hit me hard. It felt as if someone took a huge spear and slammed it into my skull on the right side and pushed all the way down into my body. It was so intense I hollered out and fell. I don’t know what happened. I just know when I opened my eyes I was laying in the grass on the side of the road. I felt different. Things looked different. I got up and walked back home. I never spoke of what had happened to me to anyone. [gap size=”8px”] But I had changed. My core beliefs and views had changed in the blink of an eye. Political, religious and even my taste in women had altered. I embraced my darkness. I lost my fear of everything. I didn’t know the face staring back at me in the mirror. So, I changed my physical appearance to match what I felt. I felt as though I had been sleeping for 1000 years and had just awoken. I could see people suffering and I could feel them with my spirit. I had become sensitive to all the energy around me. And I began to reach out to the broken spirits with my bleeding heart. [gap size=”8px”] Darkness and sadness can be beautiful and very healing. Without the darkness, we would never know or appreciate the light. For if we were stars we would not be able to shine without the darkness. Only in our dark times, do we learn. We are tested. We are changed. We learn endurance. We evolve. When you live in the light always. You become stagnant, bitter and unmotivated. It is only when you emerge from the darkness into the light that you are beautiful. You are strong and determined. You appreciate not only the light, but you see the world through new eyes. [gap size=”8px”] I‘m not telling you to rejoice in your dark and sad times. But I am telling you, you can always endure. That once there, in your darkness, you will find the light. For just as the day shall pass and night comes. So shall the darkness fade away and bring forth new light. The darkness cannot last. But the darkness will give you those things that you need in your life. It can set you upon a new path. Your dark time can rip your soul apart and make you cry. But years later, you will look back and see that devastating dark time caused you to be where you are now. A place you may never think possible. [gap size=”8px”] When darkness falls upon your life, do not fear. Embrace it. You will emerge. How you decide to see the darkness is up to you. Nothing can have power over us except what we give power to. At times you may feel you are lost in the darkness. Hopeless in the deafening silence. Listen to me now! YOU are never alone! There are many of us in the darkness with you. I stand between the darkness and the light. I can feel your energy. I will connect with you. Your pain is my pain. I will stand with you. I will bleed with you. Let us reach out beyond other people’s judgments, and life’s pain and misery. And Together, we will rise with our darkness. We will pursue a brighter day and balance in our life. We will strive to be a better version of ourselves. Because Together, we are unstoppable, my love! WE will master Darkness! Always and forever! [gap size=”8px”] If you have a subject you’d like to see addressed on these post, send me a message. I will not reveal your name or detailed information. If you’d like to talk to me in private, you can also message me. And if you feel this article has helped you, please hit the like button. If you have been following my post, Like our page or hit the follow button. And I would appreciate you leaving a recommendation on my page as well. Have a great week and I will talk to you soon. [gap size=”8px”] [gap size=”12px”] ˜Bleeding Heart Chronicles˜ ©

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